

Realtors, You’re Invited!

Want to learn about the death of the HUD-1 settlement statement and what’s replacing it? Come to one of our in-house roundtable discussions and learn! Remember that 2-page HUD-1 settlement statement we’ve used for decades? The one that was changed to a 3-page form in 2010, with restrictions on how much settlement fees/lender fees could Read more

Christmas in July: Reader-Exclusive Coupon

It’s July, and for many of you, that means it’s time for a summer vacation!  The Court Square Title Blog is going to take a little vacation this month as well.  We’d like to thank the hundreds of readers who have tuned in over the past six months with a reader-exclusive coupon. Present the coupon Read more

Think Globally; Borrow Locally

Okay – It’s 5:30 P.M. on a Friday, and the phone is still ringing. One of my escrow officers is being asked by a purchaser who closed this morning why his deed has not been recorded, which means he can’t move into his new home. It didn’t have to be this way. We had four Read more

Court Square Title’s Top Ten Closing Tips

Since opening on April 1, 1991, we’ve gained 23 years worth of ideas and suggestions to help make your closing experience as pleasant, smooth, and efficient as possible.  Your circumstances may not allow you to follow all ten of these suggestions, but see how many you can meet.  We promise they will make the process Read more